Just Another – of the album : – Is All We Need 19 October 2021 by Ralph de Jongh NieuwsELMORE JAMES, slide-guitar
Great Elmore James like slide guitar on new record “To Another Clowns Paradise” by Electric Hollers singer/guitarplayer/songwriter/tech/sound-engineer special guest in the Band: Tim Birchwood in dutch:Tim Birkenholz 16 April 2021 by Ralph de Jongh Nieuwsband, elmore_james, ElmoreJames, MUSIC, RALPHDEJONGH, slide-guitar, timbirchwood, timbirkenholz, toanotherclownsparadise To another clowns paradise die cd hoort er echt bij. Ik heb m nu pas ontdekt. 10 nummers heel afwisselend. Ook nr met bluesharp en twee gave slide stukken a ls elmore james met de gekke elmore slide van Tim Birkenholz